Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 11, 2013

And now even Microsoft is using the Konami code with the Xbox One to win some prizes

Are you ready to put an Xbox One under your tree? If you are, you might also get a chance to win some prizes. How is that? Well well, it seems that even Microsoft has taken full advantage of the old Konami code. Yes, once again, the old code used for Contra, Gradius, Lifeforce, and whatever else you can imagine for the last 26 years is now being used once again. This time it is integrated into popular sites like IGN, Eurogamer, and OXM. Here is what I understand so far from what I've been hearing lately. First you need to be within the sites listed above, and then do the Konami code, which is Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.

Now wait just a second though, make sure to replace the B, and A, with X, and B (for X Box obviously). I don't want to send you in the wrong direction.

This is using your keyboard of course. If you are at the right place, doing this should cause the site to get a bit messed up, and then reveal a teaser for the launch title Forza Motorsport 5. After this occurs, a message appears that tells you to tweet #keycode. This should be followed by another message that states if you do this, it will give you a chance to win Xbox One prizes. Some fine advertising there Microsoft. Exploit the Konami code, and ye just might receive. Might even make a great stocking stuffer just in time for the holidays. Anyway, for you Xbox One owners, give it a try and see what happens for you.

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