Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 11, 2013

Show your fashion sense with these awesome Call of Silent Hill, Red Pyramid Thing, and Twin Victims T-Shirts from ToyMunkey Studios

The holidays are approaching, and don't you just hate it when one of your relatives gives you a Christmas gift, and it turns out to be a pair of socks, or some stupid T-Shirt? Well get those gift hints about what you want this year started, with some awesome Silent Hill T-Shirts! There are three different ones to choose from, and no matter what your size they will have it in stock. I'm talking ToyMunkey Studios of course, the same company that has shown off those beloved Robbie the Rabbit and Heather figures that are so detailed.

From Small, to XXL in size, here are the three T-Shirts they have so far for Silent Hill.

Call of Silent Hill

Based on Silent Hill 2 and 3, Call of Silent Hill features those main characters from the classic hits that were released on the Playstation 2 years ago. James is featured on the front, while the back has a spooky message that goes, "Monsters, they looked like monsters to you?"

Red Pyramid Thing

Who could forget that horrible Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, and now to pay homage to the classic character comes a "Red Pyramid Thing" T-Shirt. It comes in black and white, with a message on the side stating "You're not friends with that Red Pyramid Thing are you?"

Twin Victims 07+08

Another monster you don't want to run into, and you did if you every played Silent Hill 4: The Room. The twin headed creature known as simply "Twin Victims" were encountered when you went to the Prison World and Apartment World in SH4. They appear to have infant Siamese heads, while their arms which they use to stand on are more adult like. One of the more freakish enemies you run into.

There are plenty more shots for each one where these puppies came from. ToyMunkey Studios is selling them for $35 a shirt. Sounds a bit pricey?, Well, if you are a die hard collector, or just really want one of these to show off in front of your family and friends then you can't go wrong wearing one these. Take a look at some other shots from the official page here

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