Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 11, 2013

Which came first, the Metal Gear chicken or the Metal Gear egg?, and this might take a while

It's a sequel, no wait, prequel. No, actually it takes place in between one Metal Gear game, and follows up as a game that takes place a few years before a storyline that took place in another story that happened a few years ago. Did you get any of that? I didn't think so, and even Hideo Kojima is having a challenge making heads or tales of his next brainchild, The Phantom Pain. Ground Zeroes is a story that happens after Metal Gear Solid 3, but before Metal Gear Solid 4. I believe someone on Kotaku pointed out the timeline a bit like this.


Let's see what that looks like. Snake Eater, Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Metal Gear Solid 5, Metal Gear 1, Solid Snake (MSX), Metal Gear Solid (PS1), Sons of Liberty, and finally Guns of the Patriots. Did I miss anything? Feel free to shed some more light if you like in the comment section below.

Kojima in an interview with Kotaku made a few statements about how there might be a few inconsistencies with MGSV.

"The first thing is, I shouldn't have talked about clones."

"I'm pretty sure that the guys at Star Wars had the same issues. When you try to write something that was supposed to be in the middle there will be some inconsistencies when you go into very small details."

"The most important part is writing something that is fun, something that is impressive, something that is better than it was before, so sometimes in the interest of doing this, of having a better experience, we sacrifice some consistencies in the story. I hope the fans and players understand this, but I need to write the best we can, even if there are some small discrepancies."

Aside from trying to figure this all out, Spring of 2014 Ground Zeroes will grace our living rooms at the cost of a pleasant $30. How well it is received and how well the Xbox One and Playstation 4 sells will be the main deciding factor on when The Phantom Pain will be launched, according to Konami. I think we both need some aspirin by now. Solid Snake is about to trip over himself. See?

Kotaku interview

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