Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 11, 2013

The economy is bad, and your wallet is thin, so what are the best priced games to get your loved ones this holiday?

Gaming is not a cheap thrill, in fact some people even go so far as to resort to ramen noodles and kool-aid to make way for the money to buy that next awesome game they've had their eye on. I should know, I was once there in my younger days. So keeping up with the latest games, and by that I mean actually owning them and playing them for yourself is hard on the wallet. In this economy you'll take what you can get when you can get it. This holiday season is no exception to the rule, so let's take a look at a few games that are not only recent, but have come down considerably in price to fit your budget, and possibly give you a happy new year to boot.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Collection - $39.99

Although Lords of Shadow itself was released in 2010, for a modest $39.99, this great collection set will land you not only the game, but the expansion packs Reverie and Resurrection to go with it, extending your whipping fun quite a bit longer. On top of that, you will get the Nintendo 3DS Mirror of Fate, now in HD for your big screen. From what I've seen so far, MOF has been better accepted on the big screen than what it was on the hand held format. Along with this set is the demo for the upcoming Lords of Shadow 2, which fans are now flipping over.

Silent Hill HD Collection - Currently listed on Amazon for $18.42

What can I say, cheap and good. Two of the greatest Silent Hill games ever created, now in HD format. Who can forget being scared out of your wits by the horrible Pyramid Head and the creepy setting that SH games are known for? You get Silent Hill 2 and 3 for under 20 bucks, both in high resolution this time around. A good deal indeed.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes (Pre-Order Only) - $29.99

Who says all gifts have to be physical? It's the thought that counts, and this thought is in the form of already having this anticipated game paid for in full. You're gift this year could be a pre order receipt! The prologue to The Phantom Pain, this is probably one of the cheapest NEW games ever to hit the market with such a low price tag. But you had better hurry, stock keeps running out, and you're not the only one waiting in line for this one.

Silent Hill Downpour - Reduced to $22.10 on Amazon

The horror action is back again, and this time using the Unreal 3 based engine, Downpour delivers once again a horror experience that just may make you lose your lunch. DP somewhat takes after SH2 in that it is a stand alone game, but has pretty much all the elements you've come to know and love from past titles, and for just over 20 dollars, is sure not to break the bank this holiday season.

That about wraps it up, but there are many other titles of interest I could post about here, and I wish I had the time to do so. One other good thing you could give, is an Xbox Live card or Playstation Network card as there are some really good deals you can purchase with the points on them. Simply check one of the links on the right side of this blog as a good starting point. You will find many games ranging from $19.99 to as little as only $5. A great way to save money to end the year.

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