Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 11, 2013

Classic Nintendo has yet to die, and the original Contra game has been hailed as one of the best

As a classic gamer who is pushing 40 years old, (woe is me) one of my personal favorite systems growing up has been the almighty Nintendo Entertainment System. Having purchased my first one back in 1987, I relentlessly did everything I could with what allowance money I had to get that next awesome NES game to add to my already massive collection. Contra was certainly one that stood out, not just in terms of game play, but in challenge. Being one of the first games made by Konami to use the 30 man code, playing it for the first time you literally had to make use of it.

After about 26 years now, one site has saw fit along with me to see the classic Contra as being one of the top NES games of all time. CANOE is their name, and I for one am glad to see them take the time to do a list that includes such a great Konami game. What I would really like to see is the series make a *real* comeback. With the next generation systems fixing to take off, the franchise needs to not only be reinvented to accommodate new systems, but in the process manage to keep the elements that made the original so great. Here is hoping for the future.

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