Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 9, 2013

Castlevania has become more of a "CityVania", as the majority of Lords of Shadow 2 will be taking place in a modern metropolis setting

When you hear the world Castlevania, what comes to mind? A castle right? Not so much the case this time around, as MercurySteam decided to create a more open world setting with Lords of Shadow 2, but also one that mostly takes place within a large city setting. According to Dave Cox in some statements he made recently, about 60% of the game takes place in a city, while the remaining 40% happens within Dracula's castle. Cox recommends that players who purchase LOS2, when they start to play the game that they do so with "an open mind".

"The whole game takes place in one night, the night that Satan is coming back. So playing in this Gothic fantasy city, you can imagine, we've got rain, we've got different weather effects, it still has that Castlevania feeling. We didn't want to make it Gotham City and we didn't want to put Dracula in the middle of Times Square. We thought that would be ridiculous."

"I think it's a really interesting take on the Castlevania universe. If you keep an open-mind and you expect the unexpected I think you can enjoy the game. I think if you approach with a closed mind and you say, Oh, it's not 2D, it's not Metroidvania, you're not going to enjoy the game. If you go into it with an open mind I think we could surprise you. I think it's the surprise that players will really enjoy."

An open world Castlevania, especially one that takes place in a modern times "city type setting" is a welcome addition in my book. You can look forward to a demo of LOS2, if you decide to purchase the Castlevania collection coming out on Halloween day this year. The official release for the US is on February 25th, while Europe gets their copy on the 27th, followed by the UK on the 28th. Originally it was scheduled for a winter release,.....and well, that is just within the confines of winter.

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