Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 9, 2013

The world slows down, but you don't with a new "bullet time" element being introduced in Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

Don't you just love being able to play a game long before it gets released? Even though it's incomplete, you still feel quite a privilege in doing it. That's the guys at 4Gamer have been able to do with the new Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes game in production. Here's how it went for them. They were caught by a guard sneaking through a garage, and after being noticed, they were introduced to a new concept being implemented this time around. Bullet time is the name, and slowing down the world, with the exception of you is the game. Korekado Yuji, the producer said this will give you the opportunity to neutralize such a threat.

In past Metal Gear games, once you saw that ! appear above the head of a guard, that was your ticket to hit the deck, or pay the price. When 4Gamer was playing through, even after being caught, Snake was still able to use Bullet time to perform a head shot and take the guard out. I'm already loving that concept. Hideo Kojima stated that even though the AI (artificial intelligence) had been toned down somewhat, the Bullet time concept will "help out" during the game. We should find out a bit more when the Tokyo Game Show takes off later this month. It's long past due another game play trailer.

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