Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 9, 2013

No playable torture scene in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, or you might be kept up all night with nightmares otherwise

Have you played Grand Theft Auto 5 yet? If so, you might be familiar with the somewhat, ahem.... controversial torture scene where a guy gets his tooth ripped out by a pair of pliers. Disturbing stuff isn't it, but if you like that sort of thing, hey!, more power to you. (You might need help.) Anyway, there just so happens to be a torture scene in Metal Gear Solid 5 as well. Only this time, according to Hideo Kojima, it will be kept to just that, a scene, and not an actual playable one. Here are some of what he said recently at the Tokyo Game Show when asked a few questions on his new Metal Gear brainchild.

"It's something that needs to be done. As the expressiveness of video games goes up, if you want to go beyond that it's not something you can avoid. Of course not all video games have to do this, and in my case it's not something that I want to go through. If the violence will give new emotions that are important to the game, I want to put it in there, especially with this game where one of the main topics is revenge. I don't want to walk around that."

"I didn't want to go as far as having playable torture, The part of Metal Gear Solid 5 that has torture is non-playable."

"So far the player's been tortured by Ocelot so much that I'm thinking that I might be the one that introduced torture to games, so I'm sorry about that!"

Introduced torture to games? Come now, I don't think that's the case, or is it? Either way, playable torture, or not, what we've seen so far in MGS5 with the latest trailers coming from the TGS is wonderful. Keep pouring the fuel on the fire, as we can never get too much. If not, that just might be real life torture, and I don't want to play that part of the game.

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