Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 9, 2013

Keep up the good work Suikoden fans, we may just be able to pull this off yet if we are lucky enough - 1000 article posts after 5 years today!

This is incredible, in just the past two days alone, I've received almost 1,400 hits alone on the article I wrote for "Operation Blinking Mirror", which is a new campaign started by the Revival Movement that took place a number of months ago. Again, the attempt is to gain the attention of Konami Japan, in order to bring back the Suikoden series, which has lost too much momentum over the years and hasn't seen a release in just as long. Besides generating any news of a Suikoden 6 title, it would also be great to bring Suikoden I & II to other formats like PSN, Xbox Live, Steam Service, Android and iOS. World wide if possible. It's in Konami's best interest to do so, since it is in really high demand, something we are trying hard to demonstrate to them.

Currently there are well over 14,000 people supporting the movement, and hopefully that number will go much higher with your help. With Operation Blinking Mirror, be a part of this project by sending in your Suikoden material for mailing this December, whether it be your own fabricated CD project, cosplay videos and pictures, whatever! The more the better. Let's show Konami that we mean business when it comes to bringing back a series that is only a terrible sin to just let it die as it seems to have done. Every bit of helps.

On a side note, I'm also very pleased to tell you that this marks my 1,000th article post I've written. I've spent over the past 5+ years doing posts on the latest news for Konami games, and have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for visiting, and I hope you continue to visit and tell your friends in the future. Don't forget to like us on Facebook to help spread the word around about this blog. Especially in the wake of keeping Suikoden alive. Here is to another 5 long years, and boy are my fingers getting tired. Time for another cup of coffee I guess.

These people are serious about Suikoden's future......Are you?

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