Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 9, 2013

Contra Evolution gets game of the week attention, especially for those of you who were old enough to play the original

When you think of a Run and Gun game like Contra, one doesn't usually think of playing it on a touch screen device like an iPad. Automatic firing of weapons is a must have when your not used to a touch screen, and the button mashing can be a hassle after a while. But for a very modest 99 cents, you can finally relive the late 80's when the first Contra took us by storm. What about the Konami code? Not happening this time around, and because of that you're certainly going to need some tips in getting through it all.

A while back I posted about said tips that Konami had offered in the wake of a lack of those much needed 30 extra men. You can check each and every one of them here. Trust me, you'll need them all. On a plus side, you get the chance to use two extra men, or rather women along side the classic Mad Dog and Scorpion. Did they finally get hooked up? Looks like it. So if you're still up in the air on whether to fork out a buck for this one and need a good challenge, trust me as you can do a lot worse for a good solid touch screen game on the go.

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