Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

Amazon cuts its price for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Ultimate Edition digital download to half of what it was before

It had just been released recently, and already the digital download for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Ultimate Edition has been cut in half at Amazon now. If you were waiting for a significant price drop in the new re-release of this mega hit, then may this post find you, and find you well. What once was $29.99, is now only a small $14.99. For getting Lords of Shadow, plus all of the downloadable content packs, which include the Reverie, and Resurrection add on expansions, not to mention the HD version of Mirror of Fate, AND the demo to Lords of Shadow 2, what more could any Castlevania fan want?

Your purchase is secure too, as after you buy this download, should anything happen to your copy of it, such as a hard drive crash or whatever, then you can still download it again from Amazon's official game library. It's nice to see our money being backed up, even by those who don't practice backing up. If that makes any sense. If you're still wondering if you should add this Castlevania hit to your already Dracula fortified arsenal, this is as likely as good as it's going to get. With the holidays approaching, this could make a splendid and "cheap on your wallet" gift this year. You just can't put it under your tree, just in your computer since it's a digital download.

Below is 40 minutes of footage to give you some insight in the new compilation release.

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