Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2013

The famous Konami code strikes again, this time it has taken hold of a Los Angeles government website with lasers blasting

Hey, who says the government has no sense of humor or playfulness? Well, I suppose that's a matter of perspective, but in any case, here is a Konami code Easter egg making another debut. This time it's happening on a Los Angeles government website? The site involves keeping track of quarterly payroll earnings for such departments as animal services, building and safety, and so on. Are you bored yet? Yeah, this sort of thing isn't quite as fun as playing your favorite Contra game or Gradius game, but it has one merit. It makes use of the Konami code.

Now what supposedly happens when you enter Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, and ENTER is this. A little arrow appears in the upper left hand corner, which you can control to shoot lasers at different items on the page, blowing up payroll numbers, the L.A. seal itself, and a few other things. By the time you read this, it might be gone, or rather, the Konami code itself might not be functional anymore. But the image below is the only proof I could find to show you a small example of what the Easter egg actually does. The bottom image is another example that happened on the Vogue website. We all never get tired of this sort of thing do we? Nope. Thanks to a fellow on the Reddit site for pointing this whole thing out.

What do they do, go around doing the Konami code on every website in existence?

Upper Left corner, an arrow shooting lasers at webpage elements.

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