Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 10, 2013

Dave Cox tweeted that they are looking into bringing Castlevania: Mirror of Fate onto PC sometime in the future

With Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate in HD lurking around the corner and ready to land on Xbox Live Arcade this Friday, what about bringing it to PC? Since Lords of Shadow landed on PC earlier this year, one fan asked about the possibility of brining MOF to the PC format as well. Dave Cox responded as always, giving a thumbs up for bringing the new HD title to PC soon.

will MOF HD release on PC at 25th oct ?? Please reply...

- No. We are looking into bringing the game to PC at some point though

Mirror of Fate is considered to be an "in between" story line plot in the middle of Lords of Shadow and Lords of Shadow 2. The PC has already landed on PC by way of Steam at the end of August, and with the Castlevania collection fixing to launch, some are wondering about a PC launch as well. It looks like we might see that as a reality according to Cox. The more the merrier. 

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