Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 10, 2013

The invention of a new Metal Gear Solid game takes the series in a different direction, and offers it on more than one console

Unlike the "exclusive" PS3 format that Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots had (due to its enormous size) years ago, the next new Metal Gear Solid game will take the series in a different direction. At the same time it will offer its open world setting on more than one format. Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, and Xbox One to name them. While decision to not use David Hayter and replace him with Kiefer Sutherland turned some heads out there, Hideo Kojima took to answering a few questions recently in an interview with IGN. Questions that hovered over your and my heads for quite a while now.

"When making [Metal Gear Solid V prologue chapter] Ground Zeroes. I wasn't thinking along the lines of 'what went wrong last time?' or 'what improvements do i need to make?' That's not really the way I work. I try to think 'what do I want to do?' Then I try to make that happen. With Metal Gear Solid 4 we were somewhat limited technology-wise. At that point, I wanted to work on multi-platform development, which is why I started work on the Fox engine. I wanted to make something in an open world. Snake infiltrating in the rain, all those things I wanted to make six years ago, I think those are becoming a reality here in Ground Zeroes."

"MGS 4 was a turning point: the engine, the multi-platform, and online elements. Moving forward I wanted to have a Metal Gear Solid that you could play on whatever you wanted. And that's how we created Peace Walker. Now we're presenting something again that's console-only, but that's not actually true of Metal Gear Solid V. Metal Gear Solid V will have many more elements that aren't limited to one console. You'll be able to play the game on whatever you want, whenever you want."

Kojima has always had in mind new concepts to introduce with each new Metal Gear game. After all, this is his brainchild we're talking about, one that's been with him since Solid Snake threw his first grenade. Kojima also points out the differences between Ground Zeroes, and its sequel, The Phantom Pain. Adding to that how past games that had a linear experience for the player are now just that, a thing of the past. The newly open world setting Solid Snake resides in will be different, giving the player a more freedom of movement opportunity.

Also stating that even though the new modifications are different, the game will not be any easier. The goal is to keep that level of tension with the player. Keeping you on your toes in Metal Gear is a constant must. If you want a prime example of what he is talking about, simply visit or revisit the last video to grace us from the Tokyo Game Show. Solid Snake goes from stealth, to getting his rear end shot up while escaping for his life. Good thing he manages to get away in the end. Gotta love that convenient jeep nearby.


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